Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Art and Culture in Singapore

Singapore can also be called as the hub of art and culture. Some of the examples are given below:

Sculpture Square: Sculpture Square organizes many modeling events throughout the whole year. Many artists of different age groups take part in the events. Sculpture workshops are also organized for aspiring artists and also students. Participants come not only from Singapore but also from the rest of the world. Participants also include some internationally famous artists in these events.

Dance in Singapore: A variety of dance forms enrich the tradition of Singapore. Singapore Dance Theatre, Odyssey Dance Theatre and Ecnad, The Arts and Fission Company, sponsored some on-going events in Singapore. You can enjoy many ethnic dance forms while visiting the place. The dance forms are of different kinds such as Indian, Chinese, Russian, Malay, European and also Japanese dances.

Singapore Art Museum: The Singapore Art Museum is very famous. It is an international standard art museum and it also displays great art works of Singapore of all times. This museum displays ancient to modern Singapore-Malay-Chinese regional art works. Arabian, European, south-Asian and many other artistic expressions are also displayed there.

Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts: Mr.Huang Suiheng was a Chinese artist and he formed the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts. In Singapore, this was the first school of its kind. The school attracted many international geniuses. They have given their effort and promoted the academy as a famed one. Many of its graduates became world renowned artists. Some of them also returned to the school to join as faculty there. The Academy carries courses on dance, 3D design, fashion studies, fine art, design & media, music and also theatre.

Wushu i.e. Martial Art of China: Wushu is a form of martial art. Wushu has also developed a form of sport and it looks like wrestling. This form of performance was used as a means of self defense. In later days it took the form of a modern sport and also executed as an entertaining show. Singapore National Olympic Council, Xin Ying Wushu Training Centre, Singapore Futsing Association, etc. usually organizes the performance of this art.

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